Everything That Matters: In Life, Business, Parenting, Cooking, and Kitchen Table Politics

Show from March 6, 2016

Episode Summary

Dianne talked about... Trump already in control of Marco and Ted. Trump got them to become him, and no one can be Trump, but Trump. What is so amazing to me is how the establishment Republicans are doing the very thing to Donald Trump that created the reason why we are voting for him. The establishment is trying to control the outcome of an election--wanting to keep in control--to keep our country stagnate. Who the hell do they think they are, and who the hell do they think we are?  We are finally seeing them for what they are! The passing of Nancy Reagan—a sweet lady. People in Utah unhappy with Romney—no integrity. Religion is not a matter of convenience, it is a matter of conviction. Recipe:  Pulled Pork Sandwiches and Homemade Coleslaw